Agnes Adhani


News on football games usually applies certain verbs very interesting to discuss. This study aims to (1) describe the form of the verbs, (2) reveal the lexical meaning and the additional
meaning of the verbs, and (3) analyze the meaning components used in the meaning expansion of the verbs in the news. This research is a descriptive qualitative study based on
the verbs used in sentences in the football game news in Kompas and Jawa Pos and television broadcastings during October 2013 up to June 2014. The data analysis showed the
results as the following: (1) the form of the verbs includes bases, standing alone without affixes and derived forms which are specified into five forms, namely (a) obligatory affix-free
bases, (b) arbitrary affix-free bases, (c) obligatory affix- bound bases, (d) repeated verbs, and (e) the verb phrases, (2) the verbs used are verbs existing in the repertoire of Indonesian
vocabulary, given additional meaning with expansion that comprises the sphere of wars or fights, of animals, and of plants, (3) the meaning components used in the expansion of the
meaning are gained by extending one of the meaning components, such as "tool" and "place, taking place in".


verbs, verb forms, basic meanings, additional meanings, meaning expansions

Mitra Usaha pertanian dan peternakan

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LP3M Unika Widya Mandala Madiun